
From HunterXHunter

Jan 29, 2011

Infinite Stratos: Level Up of Biaku Shiki

Please be advised this post contains spoilers as IS is a new series of Jan. 2011. 
Infinite Stratos has several stages to upgrade. Ichika's BiakuShiki level up when Ichiga combats with Cecilia and Rin.
The starting IS Biaku Shiki is very basic with Snowflake I. 
Starting shape of Biaku Shiki with Snowflake I

Jan 24, 2011

Witty Remarks on Life From Regina Brett

Some friend gave me this sheet of paper with 45 witty remarks from Regina Brett, 90 year old, a smiling granny in Cleveland Ohio.
I would like to share some of them here with all my friends. May you enjoy and smile!

"Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
(If it is fair, it'll be even better!)

Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
(I would rather hate a dumb computer)

Jan 21, 2011

Samurai 7: Renewal Sect 2 Main Characters

Samurai 7 Sect 2 is dedicated to basic information and pictures of most main characters.

Samurai 7

Jan 19, 2011

Phantom~the Requiem of the Phantom Anime Update

Nameless edition  of Phantom logo (c) Jan. 19, 2011.
Original materials from Phantom anime producer/author.

Ein and Zwei, no past, no future, the wandering dead, the Phantom of nowhere.

Jan 18, 2011

FF Versus XIII FF Agito XIII Update

Final Fantasy Versus XIII ファイナルファンタジー ヴェルサス XIII  PS3

Official site: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fabula/versus13/ (Japanese)

At the beginning, the world is not sided with good or evil. Only because we add our thoughts to the world, good and evil is devided. ( Though I understand it, I am kind of struggling with putting Japanese to English. Anyway, it is similar to that.)

Noctis Lucis Caelum

Red  eyes when in rage and a blue emblem while fighting are his symbols

Jan 17, 2011

A New Snack

Today I found a new snack that is weird but good. It is labeled as "Brookside Dark Chocalate Goji". It is a pity I found no Blueberry ones today. It's all gone.  Pomegranate is not attractive as Goji ones because the latter is more nutritious. So I opened it and.....

Jan 16, 2011

Samurai 7: Renewal Sect 1

Introduction and the Seven

Samurai 7 anime (2004) is based on Kurosawa Akira's homonymous movie (also translated as Seven Samurai) of 1954. Setting in the Sengoku Period Japan, it tells a story of a small poverty striken village' survival counter attack, with seven samurais, against Nobuseri and the after-harvest marauding.

Jan 13, 2011

As Cold as l'hiver

This week is freezing after the storm of last weekend.

Jan 6, 2011

That is the sixth of the first month

It’s the 6th of the first month
Everything smooth but nothing nice
Entered a drug store searching for a toothbrush
That cost $10 plus

Jan 3, 2011

Shinrei Tantei Yakumo--Psychic Detective

Based on homonymous novel, anime Shinrei Tantei Yakumo tells supernatural stories brought by a young university student who has a CRIMSON EYE that can see the souls of the dead.

Introduction: Yakumo, born with a red left eye, is treated as an other and experiences attempt of murder from his own mother when he is a kid. Saved by a police detective Gotou from the hands of his mom, Yakumo asks "why did you save me?" In fact he has ultra strong sense of justice and a sympathy for those souls he sees as being wronged or murdered. He is confused by his otherness. He even tries to commit suicide because he feels it's his guilt that  his mother  went crazy and died due to his otherness. A girl from his university changes Yakumo's life....

Jan 2, 2011

Love Everlong Forever

Everlong, a free RPG that provides over 50+ hours of normal play, is one of my most beloved old school RPG. It has a well-woven main storyline with 11 playable characters and numbers of NPCs. Though a Ragnarok stereotype, Everlong develops a world of unique outlook, geography, demography and cultures. Several main continents have been shared by different countries/states which are divided by cities and regions. Warning: the rest of this post contains heavy spoilers....

Jan 1, 2011

Quote of the Day

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
                                                                                                      -----------------------by 'the fox' in Le Petit Prince