
From HunterXHunter

Dec 31, 2010

Joke of the Day

Patient: Doctor, I am seriously ill because I have been thinking myself as a bird...

Doctor: That's not good news. So how long have you been thinking that way?

Patient: When I am a little birdie...

If you want succese in a career, start it from your cradle.

New Year Wish List

I wish

Cipher---Double Star: Siva and Cipher

Cipher  Double Star: Siva and Cipher is oneof the earliest mangas Nameless read, even before I went for complete version of Dragon Ball. It tells a story between a twin brothers, Jack (Siva) and Roy (Cipher), and their friend Anise, Alex....

Story: Twin stars, Siva and Cipher live by themselves after losing their father who quarrelled with his wife the day before he dies. There are too many secrets shared between this Gemini and no other outsiders are allowed to enter their life. One biggest secret is they play a single "Siva" alternatively at school and among friends. It is disclosed by a girl named Anise.  To her it is cheating everyone else's feeling that Siva and Cipher pretend to be each other. But the twin has some deep motivations to do this rather than making Cipher in front of others at school. While "Cipher" continues working, "Siva" continues studying. But actually both are acting the other and go working and studying alternatively.  Anise, in love with Cipher, tries to decipher the mystery....

Darker Than Black

For some reason Nameless remembers this animation today. To me, DTB is not as complicated as to decide which side is right and which side is wrong. It is more a search of the reason for existence. For Contractor or Doll, to find a reason to go on is important.

Dec 30, 2010

Arakawa Under the BridgexBridge

Yesterday I finished watching this season of Arakawa. I really enjoyed this animation. Not only the stories are funny, some of them laughed me to death, also they are very novel. I like every character  because they are all so alive and impressive. Most pictures are from internet. All rights of the pictures are reserved by original author/producer. Nameless claims no copyright of the pictures in this post.

Kou Ichinomiya and Nino

Dec 28, 2010

Laptop Keyboard Control of Final Fantacy VII

As I found there are a number of people struggling trying to figure out how FF7 (,the original one, not Crisis Core) works on laptop, I think it might be help if I give some basic infor that when I installed FF7 on a netbook with windows 7.  No patch for laptop keyboard is needed.
Basically, I did not have any problem to install or have the game running.

A Simple Story Review of Planescape: Torment


Planescape is a life story of a new born baby with no memory walking in the universe. A new born is never good or evil, never lawful or chaotic. The first step of it is always toward death.

He could not enjoy life until he regrets for his past.
Sometimes, he has to fight for what he wants.
He may then, by his choices, being loved, or being hated.
He has to fight against himself and conquer his weakness.

Joke of the Day

A man is going for shower after his wife just finished. The door bell rings suddenly. His wife puts on a bath towel and rushes to the door. She opens the door and finds their neighbour Bob stadning in front of her.

Dec 27, 2010

A New Start

Nameless forgot the password to the original blog which was opened in 2007.
The consequence is serious:
A new Ragpicker's Square started at the end of 2010, this 27th day of the12th month.
Some former published content would be republished.
Some content from the Ragpicker's Square on Gamespot will be transplanted.
Some new content will be added.
Welcome to the new restplace of the Nameless one.

Question No.1 Angel or Akuma?

"Is an angel an angel after killing an akuma(devil/demon in Japanese)?"

I doubt, but fail to explain. It's too complicated. Or devil is born when angels start massacre?